

Symptoms of squint

Identifying 6 Common Symptoms of Squint (Strabismus)

Have you ever noticed someone whose eyes don't seem to align properly? They might have a condition called squint, also known as strabismus. Squint is a common eye disorder that affects people of all ages, from infants to adults. In this blog, we will explore what squint is and highlight six common symptoms that can help you identify this condition in yourself or others.

1. Misaligned Eyes

The most apparent and noticeable symptom of squint is misalignment of the eyes. When someone has a squint, their eyes point in different directions instead of focusing on the same object. One eye may turn inward, outward, upward, or downward, while the other remains in a normal position. This misalignment can be constant or intermittent, depending on the individual.

2. Double Vision

People with squint often experience double vision, also known as diplopia. This occurs because the misaligned eyes send conflicting images to the brain, resulting in the brain perceiving two different pictures. To avoid confusion, the brain might suppress the image from one eye, leading to reduced vision in that eye over time.

3. Eye Strain and Fatigue

Squint can cause significant eye strain and fatigue, especially when trying to focus on objects or tasks. Individuals with squint may find it challenging to concentrate on reading, writing, or using digital devices for extended periods due to the constant effort required to align their eyes.

4. Head Tilting or Turning

To compensate for the misalignment and avoid double vision, individuals with squint might tilt or turn their heads in specific positions. By doing so, they can align their eyes better and reduce the impact of the condition on their vision. Observing frequent head tilting or turning in someone can be a strong indication of squint.

5. Poor Depth Perception

Squint can negatively affect depth perception, making it difficult for individuals to judge distances accurately. This can be especially problematic in activities that require precise spatial awareness, such as catching a ball, driving, or pouring liquids into a glass.

6. Eye Fatigue and Strain

The eyes of a person with squint might not work together as a team efficiently. As a result, one eye may become weaker over time due to disuse, while the other eye becomes more dominant. This can lead to significant eye fatigue and strain, particularly in the weaker eye.

Also Read : Squint Eye Treatment Cost


Squint, or strabismus, is a common eye condition that affects the alignment and coordination of the eyes. Identifying the symptoms of squint is crucial for early diagnosis and timely treatment. If you or someone you know is experiencing misaligned eyes, double vision, eye strain and fatigue, head tilting or turning, poor depth perception, or eye fatigue and strain, it's essential to consult an eye care specialist.

Fortunately, squint is treatable, especially when detected early. The appropriate treatment options for Squint eye treatment may include corrective eyewear, eye exercises, and in some cases, surgical intervention. Early intervention not only improves the chances of successful treatment but also helps prevent potential complications like amblyopia (lazy eye).

In conclusion, being aware of the common symptoms of squint can lead to early detection and appropriate management. Regular eye check-ups for children and adults can aid in the timely diagnosis of squint and other eye-related issues. Remember, healthy eyes are vital for overall well-being, and seeking professional advice when noticing any concerning symptoms is the first step towards maintaining good eye health.

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